Where Art Thou, Boaz???

She said..

In the middle of the airport, my eyes burn, chest tightens. As the first hot tear slides down my face, I whisper to myself,

It’s ok. You are OK. His Equivalent or better will show. You are enough and your Boaz will find you.

But today… Repeating that mantra isn’t working. Because it happened once again. My Boaz choose his Ruth and it wasn’t me.

My prospective Boazs never say “hey, you’re great, but this other woman just fits me better. I want her more. I like her more.”

They always say stuff like, they aren’t ready for love, a relationship, a commitment. They will say the timing is off, if they just had met me sooner before they got their heart broken or before they met the woman they are currently dating. They tell me I’m a great girl, a beautiful woman worthy of what my heart desires and they still want to be friends…but the reality is… They don’t want ME. They do want those things, they just don’t want those things with me.

Damn that’s a hard pill to swallow but it beats the nervous breakdown I’m having now. See, I know he thinks I believe him… But I know about her. I’ve seen them together. And even though I know it’s stupid and pointless, I compare us. What made you choose her? What’s wrong with me? I review our moments together to try and figure out where we went wrong.

I respect him for not stringing me along. His honesty is endearing and I understand his desire to be fair to me and faithful to her. I wanted the truth, and it hurts like hell.

I know the truth, nothing is wrong about me but him. He’s not my Boaz. I’m not his Ruth. But at this moment as I fight back tears, I still wonder Wtf!

He said…

First off let me say that I’m truly sorry that you are having a rough moment right now, cause I truly care about you and your feelings.

But with that being said, we are very close and as I share my thoughts right now ,it is for all the ladies (man can learn something also).

“Understand your worth is not the SUM of being with a mate!”

Many times people (I’ll say it, women) get caught up in the dream, the fairy tale or even main stream ideologies! Stop it, that shit is soooo 1980’s! Learn to value and take care of yourself. Work on being the best you can be and guess what BOAZ will drop in your lap and you will not see him coming. Chase, brush the dirt, sand and/or coal off your shoulder! Get back in the game of life #chasestrong and as the youth today say “get yo life 2gether”.

It’s not an easy road to ride down as there will be many times when you crave that special person in your life, but trust that he will come when you least expect. Trust in your unwritten story, he has more in store for you….. he said!!

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