What Was I Thinking?

It's definitely easier to blame the downfall of the relationship on the other person. After all, who wants to admit that they did something wrong? Do you really want to explain some of your unsavory behavior to others? Admit you weren't perfect? HELL TO THE NO!!!!!!!! However, if we want to move forward and perhaps find happiness again, we have to do it! We need to pull out the suitcases, start unpacking the baggage and do some cleaning. We have to take a hard look at ourselves and behavior. Identify the life lessons that we haven't quite grasped over the years. I learned a long time ago that the lessons you don't learn, you will have to repeat until you do. The set and the characters may change but the story line will stay the same.

Love. The Second time around.

Love is scary. Love is giving another person a knife and showing them where to stab you and trusting that they won't. Every time you trust, and become that vulnerable with the wrong person... Choosing to Love gets harder. I agree with you Wood that sometimes you have to step into the light... But when you have been hurt... How do you do that?

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